Robert Verrijt lectures in Jakarta at Ankata Fest

Lecture Anakata Fest
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Robert Verrijt lectures in December at the Anakata Fest in Jakarta


The ANAKATA Festival is an annual architecture and design festival where speakers come together to share innovative ideas. The theme this year is “Nostalgic Architecture”.  11 Architects from five different countries, recall the past, present and future moments. This year the speakers include:


Antonius Richard (RAD+ar)

Dhanie Syawalia & Salman Rimaldhi (Dhanie & Sal)

Dion Pradipta & Hadi Vincent (HADIVINCENT Architects)

Gregorius Supie Yolodi & Maria Rosantina (d-associates)

Kamil Muhammad (PPPOOOLLL)

Kelvin Thengono (K-Thengono Design Studio)

Patcharada Inplang (Shermaker)

Raynaldo Theodore (ARTI Design Studio)

Robert Verrijt (Architecture BRIO)

Takashi Niwa (Takashi Niwa Architects)

Takaharu Tezuka (Tezuka Architects)