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Architecture BRIO has started with the design of a resort with holiday homes near Navabag Village near Goa in southern Maharashtra. The site near this small fishers village is located behind Vengurla beach. The creek surrounds the site in the north and east. The development of this 6 hectares site will include the ecological restoration of an existing lake. Architecture BRIO designed the masterplan of Waikiki Villas that includes the provision of 16 holiday homes and a boat house.

Architecture BRIO proposes to develop a landscape with interconnected ponds and waterbodies in order to strenghten the existing ecosystem. Therefore the homes are clustered as stilted pavilions on and around these ponds. More so these stilted pavilions bring the ability to experience water close to daily life. Because it is important to cut out glare and sun gain, all pavilions enjoy a wrap around verandah covered with a wooden screen. In addition, the circulation and staircases spiral around the interior spaces in this in between space. The pavilions open to the water bodies on the ground floor, with sliding shutters opening up the living spaces completely.
Renewing the strength of the wetlands surrounding the creek and its diversity as a living ecosystem will promote riparian habitat. It will increase the habitat for migrating birds and endangered wildlife as well as enrich the experience of a lush and rich landscape as a retreat from a busy urban life.