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Architecture BRIO wins two awards at the Trends Excellence Awards 2014. The Best Practice of the Year Award was shared with Mancini Design from Chennai. Architecture BRIO received the award on the basis of three projects: The House on a Stream, The Laureus Learning Pavilion and the Spiral Dollhouse.
Jury member Shimul Javeri Kadri observed: “The common thread in this firm’s projects was the lightness with which the buildings sat in their environment. They felt like gentle insertions in their natural spaces – the lightness achieved with careful attention to form and structure.” Artist Bose Krishnamachari further elaborated: “The projects are simple, in tune with nature; open and frank and at the same time have a unique sculpted quality.”
Apart from the Best Practice of the Year Award, Architecture BRIO won the commendation award for the Residential Project of the Year for the House on a Stream as well. Bose Krishnamachari commented: “A beautiful example of how architecture can blend with nature. A near perfect piece of landscapist architecture creating space without removing any existing natural element; instead, using them as a strength so that there is very little that differentiates the inside from the outside; yet retaining the character of both.”